Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Friday, April 9, 2021

April 9, 2021

The nice weather over the weekend had us out and about. We know it’s problematic being out in crowds during a pandemic; just so everyone is clear, we put our glasses on. Don’t worry, we maintained responsible social distancing at all times during our outing. Weirdly, we ended up adopting an adorable piglet with laryngitis. He’s currently a bit disgruntled, but we are confident he’ll be back to full squealing health soon. To make him feel better we decided to get him a toy. We thought a classic Schwarznegger doll might do the trick. When we got to the store and asked where we would find one, we were told, “Aisle B; back.”

A very happy 29th birthday goes out to Sharon A! Our words of advice for this momentous day: Cake will always be the answer. The question is irrelevant. 

When is the best time to buy a trampoline? Spring time, of course! And with spring time comes spring break! It’s a little later than usual, but the postponed March Break is from April 12-16 for elementary and high school students. Enjoy!

It was quite an egg-citing time at the Park Centre last Saturday, as the Easter Bunny’s helpers (aka the Parks, Recreation and Wellness Committee) gave out treats to the young and old. Thank you to everyone who hopped on by! We hear that next on the schedule, the committee is hoping to organize a hide and seek tournament, but apparently good players are really hard to find.

Now that winter appears to be over, it’s time to begin the next season here in Canada - road construction season, that is! The reconstruction on the main hill into Kagawong begins April 12, and there will be a virtual public information session on April 15 at 7pm. If you would like a Zoom invitation to the information session, please email Tiana Mills at billingsadmin@billingstwp.ca by 3pm on April 15th. Throughout the project, there will be updates every two weeks on the township website (http://billinstwp.ca) and the township Facebook page. 

With the hill under construction, there likely won’t be the traditional “Running of the Balls” fundraiser this summer, but we’re just around the corner from running of the smelts! No word on whether there will be COVID limitations again this year. 

Thank you to all Township of Billings residents that participated in the climate change survey and public engagement throughout February! The results of the survey will be available mid-April. The composter prize will be drawn on Thursday April 22 (which also happens to be Earth Day)! Winners will be contacted via email and with permission announced via Facebook. 

Billings has recently begun implementation of a fill and closure plan to extend the lifespan of the landfill. The plan hinges on everyone committing to waste diversion through recycling. Please remember to use clear bags for household waste and to separate out your paper and co-mingle items (plastics, tetra pack juice/milk cartons, cans).   

As the weather improves and more people take to the river trail, remember that the old bridge midway along the river path is unsafe and not open for public use. The Township has drafted a proposal for a new bridge on the Kagawong Trail system; with luck we will have a replacement before too long! 

We at Team Fergmeijer have always strongly believed in eating healthy. Or, at least, eating healthy portions. Lately, we’ve started telling everyone about the benefits of eating dried grapes. It’s all about raisin awareness. Have a great week!

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