Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

April 1, 2021

Team Fergmeijer has been feeling a little run down today. No wonder considering the tough 31-day March we just finished. 

Happy birthday to former Kagawongian Micki B who turned 29 this week! We hope you have a fantastic day way over there on the far side of Billings!

The annual Sandhill Crane Cooing competition scheduled for April 1st had to be unexpectedly cancelled at the last minute. There was some uproar involving the KGB, the cranes filed a complaint, there was a protest, a fight, and a small spat of rioting; it was a real Sharks vs Jets thing there for a bit. Needless to say, we decided not to get involved as we didn’t want to be seen as taking sides. Keep practicing for next year!  

At time of writing, Manitoulin Island remains in the Grey, lockdown zone. This means that the Municipal Office is closed to the public. If you would like to make a tax payment in person please call the office first, (705) 282-2611 ext. 221. The township office is still accepting mailed-in cheques and will be receiving online bill payments through all major banks and some credit unions as per usual. You can get more information on all things township by visiting their website (www.billingstwp.ca) or cruising by their Facebook page (www.Facebook.com/billingstownshipkagawong).

During lockdown, the Library is maintaining regular hours (Tuesday and Thursday 4-7; Saturday 10-1), for pick up and drop off only. Contact the librarian through the library Facebook page, phone or email, to request titles, authors, or even general genres, and she will put a bundle of books together for you to pick up! As always, books are quarantined for 72 hours before being reshelved. In addition, you can dive into some ebooks and audiobooks through the library OverDrive system. Call or email the library (705-282-2944;  billingslibrary@vianet.ca) to get your patron number, download the free OverDrive app and get reading for free! 

It can be difficult over traditional holiday times to deal with the restrictions of Covid-19, but especially with the variants of concern, we need to limit our close contacts to our immediate household, and to maintain responsible social distancing practices everywhere else. Please do everything you can to keep yourself healthy, and to protect the people in your bubble. Following the Public Health guidelines will keep you safe as well as everyone else! Remember, this too shall pass. It might pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass.

Don’t forget about the Easter treat giveaway at the Park Centre parking lot on Saturday, April 3rd at 11am. Goodies will be handed out drive-through style; volunteers ask that you stay in your car and wear a mask. 

At Manitoulin Zumba’s online sessions, you’ll never be told to check your attitude or and at no pointe will you feel bored. Look up Casey Boisvert on Facebook (Zumba Fitness on Manitoulin Island) for days and times, as well as to arrange for the Zoom link and payment. Unlike our dentist, she won’t kick you out for flossing during the session. 


The Late Bloomers (a group of local gardeners who volunteer their time and energy to beautifying the village) have a big job on their hands. They will be tackling a whack of flower boxes and planting locations around the village this spring. With each Bloomer taking one one or two flower boxes and planting their choice of flowers, the result will be a beautiful collection of plantings for all to enjoy. We can’t wait to see what they come up with this year! The group is always open to new members; if you would like to take part in their efforts, email kagawong@live.ca for more information. 

In an effort to let our readers get to know the Team a bit more, we thought we would give you a top three list of our favourite things to wrap up the column this week. So here goes - our three all time favourite things are eating our families and not using commas.  Have a great week!

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