Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

August 28, 2024

 Our faithful readers will know that here at Team Fergmeijer, we tend to see August as the Sunday of the summer. That might not be totally fair to Sundays in general. Sunday might be a little sad, but the day before Sunday is definitely a sadder day. And Sundays always start off great, but then just have a weekend. Although we’ll never forget the time we took our car in for a service on a Sunday. It was such a tight squeeze getting it through the church doors. Regardless, even though we’re almost through the Sunday of the summer, rest assured that whichever day you read our column, it’s always Punday! 

If you are strolling the river trail or stop in at the falls this week, you will notice some new signage has been installed. It is meant as a gentle reminder to locals and visitors that things like stacking rocks, building rock walls or dams in the river or falls pool, as well as disturbing the spawning fish, are all harmful to the overall health of the natural systems and should be avoided. The best policy is to leave no trace. 

The Manitoulin Tennis Club is hosting an end-of-the-summer tennis tournament on Saturday, August 31st at the Manitoulin Secondary courts. Players can compete in singles or doubles. Everyone is welcome. Contact Chris at ctheijsmeijer@gmail.com for more information or to register.

We are sending many happy returns to Kagawongian Susan S and Kagawong-adjacent Amy H who are both turning 29 right around the time this will be printed. Team Fergmeijer stopped at a Mexican food truck before completing the column this week, and while it might be the chips and salsa talking, we hope you both have a birthday that is nacho average celebration. It’s your big day, so get out there and guac and roll! 

Summer in Canada can seem to go by in a flash. Make the most of the swiftly dwindling days by hitting the Wednesday market in Kagawong! Come down into the village and make your way to the rink area Wednesday from 10am until 3pm to check out the over 70 regular vendors at the Kagawong Market.

The regular Wednesday markets are always fun, but the annual evening market put on last Saturday was a unique delight. In case you didn’t know, the amazing Ethel Newburn volunteers her own time to organize the weekly Kagawong markets and the evening market as well. Thank you, Ethel, for the enormous amount of time and effort you put into it all. The markets have become an ‘must-see’ attraction to the town and we don’t know what we would do without you keeping it all running smoothly!  

You’re almost out of time! The township is still accepting name suggestions for the Kagawong covered rink. Proposed names are being accepted at the town office until the end of this week. Check the township’s website or Facebook page for more information. 

We heard this week that the incomparable Tina B is moving on to new challenges. Thank you for all that you have done for the township and we wish you good luck on your new adventures! That does mean, however, that there is an opening at the township office for any interested parties. The township has posted an Administrative Assistant – Finance position and is accepting resumes via e-mail or regular mail in confidence to Véronique Dion, CAO/Clerk Township of Billings 15 Old Mill Road, Kagawong ON P0P 1J0 or cao@billingstwp.ca until 12:00 pm. Friday September 6th is the deadline for applications. Get full details on the township Facebook or web page.

Team Fergmeijer bought a second-hand time machine next Sunday. They don’t make them like they’re going to anymore! Have a great week!

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