Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

August 21, 2024

We were at the book store the other day and people were throwing around Stephen King books. We couldn’t figure out what was going on, and then IT hit us. Which reminds us, did you know that Stephen King has a son named Joe? We’re not joking, but he is. 

If you are strolling the river trail or stop in at the falls this week, you will notice some new signage has been installed. It is meant as a gentle reminder to locals and visitors that things like stacking rocks, building rock walls or dams in the river or falls pool, as well as disturbing the spawning fish, are all harmful to the overall health of the natural systems and should be avoided. The best policy is to leave no trace. 

As of the writing of this column, Billings township is still under a partial fire ban. Camp fires and fireworks are still permitted as long as you use extreme caution. Other forms of open fire are not allowed. For up-to-date information visit the town’s website or Facebook page. 

Quick animal fact: octopus twins are itenticle.

The Manitoulin Tennis Club is hosting an end-of-the-summer tennis tournament on Saturday, August 24th at the Manitoulin Secondary courts. Players can compete in singles or doubles. Everyone is welcome. Contact Chris at ctheijsmeijer@gmail.com for more information or to register.

Days are getting shorter, nights are getting cooler, and that’s right - back to school sales are starting up again! The annual Grade 9 BBQ at Manitoulin Secondary is just around the corner: on Wednesday, August 28th, Grade 9 students are welcome to spend the day at MSS to get their schedule, learn about high school, find their classrooms, and even meet some of their teachers. The day starts at 10am, with a BBQ lunch, and includes bussing back to home communities at the end of the day. Parents are also welcome to attend! For more information, contact the office at Manitoulin Secondary School. 

Happy 29th birthday wishes go out to the Kagawongians Meg M and Andrew T. Also turning 29 is Kagawong-adjacent Mike Z, and extended Kagawongian family members Tijs T and Emma T. We hope they all have a fantastic birthday, but a word to the wise for their friends and family - keep an eye on this crew on their big days. Everyone knows if you let them shenan once, they will only shenanigan. 

Quick animal fact: most bobcats are not named Bob. 

For students (and teachers), August can seem like the Sunday-of-the-summer, but look on the bright side - there are still plenty of Wednesday markets left! Come down into the village and make your way to the rink area Wednesday from 10am until 3pm to check out the over 70 regular vendors at the Kagawong Market.

And if Wednesday afternoon markets aren’t doable for you, check out the special evening market this weekend! Saturday, August 24th, stop by the covered rink at the Park Centre in Kagawong from 4pm to 9pm and enjoy some after-hours shopping.

Struck by inspiration? The township is still accepting name suggestions for the Kagawong covered rink. Proposed names are being accepted at the town office until the end of this month. Check the township’s website or Facebook page for more information. 

A local restaurant has invented a brand new style of creamy dessert, but they haven’t come up with a name for it yet. One might say it is anonymousse. Likewise, the township has a surprising number of things that need naming (the covered rink, the new tractor, the market/picnic pavilion, the new bridge across the river, this naming contest). In an effort to celebrate all new structures in Kagawong, we are still taking suggestions for our completely informal, not-affiliated-with-the-township, and unlikely to get approval, naming competition. Email fergmeijer@gmail.com and let us know your ideas for any of the nameless entities!

If you have a condition that leaves you with the urge to steal library books, you should really get that checked out. Have a great week!

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