Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

December 14, 2022

With the completion of the rink, Team Fergmeijer has started planning the next big community event. We are pleased to announce that the Kagawong Gobble Brigade will be partnering with Fergmeijer Productions to create a music and ice dance extravaganza: "KGB on Ice"! We feel we've cooked up something that audiences will absolutely gobble up. Especially after having to go cold turkey on entertainment during the last years due to COVID. You'd think that teaching the turkeys to move in a synchronised dance would be the hardest part but actually, it's getting the skates laced up tight enough around their tiny ankles. Stay tuned for more details as the show takes shape. We hope it all goes smoothly, but there have been rumours of the KGB getting an agent and wanting to talk turkey about wages. It's always something with these showbiz types.

What goes up but doesn’t come down? Your age! Unless you’re living in Billings and the greater Billings area (aka Manitoulin), of course. Happy 29th Birthday wishes go out to two strong and creative Island women: Katherine T and Christine L-M! If you ever start to feel old, consider visiting an antiques auction. As long as no one bids on you, you aren’t doing too bad! Also celebrating this week is Hailey F. She’s not quite 29 yet, though she’s well on her way attitude-wise! No idea where that comes from…


The Billings Library has a Dig and Doug cedar bookcase up for grabs in a fundraising candy jar challenge. Examine the jar in the library - $2 gets you an estimate attempt (or three for $5). Closest estimate walks away with the bookcase! Okay, they’ll let you put it in your vehicle and drive it away if you must. 


The Billings Fire Department has a fantastic crew of volunteers who train hard and work together to help keep all of us safe. The Fire Department works with the strengths of each volunteer to allow each individual to contribute to their best ability. If you are interested in joining, contact the township office for more information! 


Congratulations to councillor David Hilliard who was appointed as deputy mayor recently. It got us thinking about whether we should have a deputy member of Team Fergmeijer. Interested applicants can submit their resumes to fergmeijer@gmail.com The job would be mostly light office work, laughing at our jokes, tracking turkeys and sourcing very small skates. 


The fire hall remains off limits due to dangerous structural issues that have come to light during the renovations. The township is investigating the options put forth by the engineering company, but until a solution is implemented, the access to bulk water from the fire hall is completely off-limits. Please utilize the water at the public works garage at 34 Carter Crescent. There are two hoses available: one between the two truck bays, and the other next to the main door. Please be mindful of the bay doors, and do not leave your vehicle unattended.


Please note that the municipal office will be closed December 26th through to January 2nd, and will re-open Tuesday, January 3, 2023. Likewise, the municipal landfill will be closed December 24th and 25th as well as January 1st, and the Library will be closed December 24th and 31st. 


What did the turkey say when it tried skating for the very first time? Wobble wobble… Have a good week!

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