Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Friday, March 5, 2021

March 5, 2021

We at Team Fergmeijer have been trying out meal planning to simplify our grocery shopping. Last week, our list included donuts, bagels, swiss cheese, and bunt cake. We had to make a special trip to the hole foods store. 

This weekend, locals Nancy C and Shirley F are both celebrating their birthdays. We wish them all good things on their special day, and we hope they celebrate like a pickle, and relish the moment! 

The skating rink is getting a lot of use - it’s great to see the kids (and some adults) getting out and using the facilities (in a socially distanced way, of course). Thank you to the volunteers who are going above and beyond to keep the rink in tip-top shape. Any way you ice it, going for a skate is a great way to get some exercise outdoors!

A friend of ours got herself a new salamander to keep her company as she works from home. She named him Tiny. When we asked her why, she said, “Because he’s my newt.”

At time of writing, Manitoulin Island is still in the Orange, restricted zone. We still need to limit our close contacts to our immediate household  and to maintain responsible social distancing practices everywhere else, but there is increased access to businesses around town as well as services like the library (open to in-person browsing again!). Please do everything you can to keep yourself healthy, and to protect the people in your bubble. 

Are you looking for signs of spring? Itching to get your hands in the soil? You aren’t alone! The Late Bloomers are a group of local gardeners who volunteer their time and energy to beautifying the village. With each Bloomer taking one one or two flower boxes and planting their choice of flowers, the result is a beautiful collection of plantings for all to enjoy! The group is always open to new members; if you would like to take part in their efforts, email Kagawong@live.ca for more information. 

How many Zumba instructors does it take to change a lightbulb? Five, six, seven, eight! Don’t believe us, just ask Casey at the next online Manitoulin Zumba session. Look her up on Facebook (Zumba Fitness on Manitoulin Island) to arrange for the Zoom link and payment. 

Early On Child and Family Centre is offering free kid-friendly activities online, as well as tips and tricks for parents. They have family fun kits for families with children 0-6 years old. Check out www.mfresources.net or email earlyon@mfresources.net for more information. 

Our neighbour was just made a grandpa this week, and we got talking about baby names. It’s weird how they go in and out of fashion. For instance, these days Lance is not a very popular baby name, but in medieval times, people were called Lance a lot. Have a great week!

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