Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Friday, February 26, 2021

February 26, 2021

As the shortest month comes to an end, coffee lovers are saying goodbye to Fe-brew-ary. But with the longer days of March on the horizon, they can’t espresso how excited they are!

Speaking of coffee connoisseurs, we are sending out a whole latte love to Sandi H on her 29th birthday!

The skating rink is getting a lot of use - it’s great to see the kids (and some adults) getting out and using the facilities (in a socially distanced way, of course). Thank you to the volunteers who are going above and beyond to keep the rink in tip-top shape. It’s great to be able to walk the river trail AND skate on the rink this winter. You know what they say - variety is the ice of life!

As avid supporters of the written word in all its forms, Team Fergmeijer was so excited to hear that local artist and business owner Rachel Ball has donated to the library a copy of her new children’s book, Tamia of the Forest. Rachel illustrated the lovely and educational book, and the text is written by summer resident Jim Nies. Congratulations to both Rachel and Jim on this amazing accomplishment! 

Inspired by Rachel’s success, we are also writing a book. To make it stand out from all the other books, we’re writing it in the fifth person, so every sentence starts out with: “I heard from this guy who told somebody...”

At time of writing, Manitoulin Island is still in the Orange, restricted zone. We still need to limit our close contacts to our immediate household  and to maintain responsible social distancing practices everywhere else, but there is increased access to businesses around town as well as services like the library (open to in-person browsing again!). Please do everything you can to keep yourself healthy, and to protect the people in your bubble. 

Last week we watched an Irish dance show on tv called StreamDance. It wasn’t quite as good as Riverdance, but then, it was a tributary act. Anyway, it really got us in the mood to get our groove on! If you, too, are so hooked on dance that you need to join a two step program, how about checking out Manitoulin Zumba for some online fun and fitness? Contact Casey via Facebook (Zumba Fitness on Manitoulin Island) to arrange for the Zoom link and payment. 

Early On Child and Family Centre is offering free kid-friendly activities online, as well as tips and tricks for parents. They have family fun kits for families with children 0-6 years old. Check out www.mfresources.net or email earlyon@mfresources.net for more information. 

Team Fergmeijer was visiting a friend’s place not long ago, and they asked if we had seen the dog bowl. We had no idea he could! Have a great week!

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