Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Friday, August 14, 2020

August 14, 2020

Our long-time readers will know what history buffs we at Team Fergmeijer are. Recently we discovered the joys of pronouncing words like ‘popsicles’ as if they were ancient Greek names (“Pop-sih-clees”). 

Popsicles said to Spectacles, “Can you see what’s going on over there?” Spectacles replies, “Vehicles is trying to drive away, but Tentacles won’t let her. Barnacles insists on coming along, and Obstacles just keeps getting in the way of everyone. You don’t have to be Oracles to see that this is going to end badly.” Receptacles couldn’t contain himself when Chronicles told him what happened, and Ventricles almost had a heart attack. Articles tried to tell the story, too but Ossicles wasn’t hearing any of it, and Icicles just gave them all the cold shoulder. 

If you want a real challenge, try pronouncing Saxophone like Persephone! 

Speaking of history, the Old Mill Heritage Centre’s annual History Day in Kagawong is online this year in deference to Covid-19 precautions. You can browse the best moments from a decade’s worth of History Day presentations at the museum’s website, www.kagawongmuseum.ca. On top of that excitement, on Thursday the museum was giving out free cupcakes to celebrate the 95th birthday of the iconic Old Mill building! Did you get one? 

The line up at the landfill (which could be our new band name…) is not bad these days, but we were pleased to have a moment to speak (from a responsible distance) with Scooter while we waited the other day. Denis’ right hand helper, Scooter keeps everything in tip top shape and organized up there and around the community. She’s gaining an impressive knowledge of people’s addresses just based on the car they drive, but it’s not complete just yet. Be patient if you are asked who you are or what your address is each time you visit. 

Happy Birthday wishes go out to Meg M who turns 29 TODAY! One of the best pieces of advice as we get older is the old adage, “Remember to appreciate the little things.” Of course, at a certain age, seeing the little things is easier said than done, but do the best you can!

A big thank you to our friends from Manitoulin Streams who stopped by the River Trail to pick up any garbage last week. Thank you for keeping our community clean! Let’s all pitch in and make sure the community trails stay beautiful for all to enjoy.

Has anyone seen the Whiskey Lane sign? It mysteriously disappeared awhile ago. The rock, the picnic table, now the sign… good grief. The crime around here is out of control!

There was a good turnout of interested community members at the public information sessions on the Kagawong Main Street reconstruction engineering design this past week. Some changes will be coming to the main road leading into town, including redirecting water drainage, new sidewalks, and additional roadside parking. Thanks to Todd Gordon for facilitating the sessions!

Your favourite Kagawong columnists, Team Fergmeijer, have partnered up with the Billings Public Library with a pun-draiser! Check out the library’s Facebook page or website (billings-library.com) for a very fine selection of pun-themed shirts, tote bags, onesies, and face masks. All proceeds from sales go to the library.

As ridiculous as it is to have to say it once, we feel the need to say it again: please refrain from swimming in and around the active construction zone around the Old Mill. The township reminds you that the area surrounding the small craft marina is a dangerous construction zone. Even the water part.

Want to hear something humerus? If you boil a funny bone, it becomes laughing stock. Have a great week!

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