Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Friday, April 24, 2020

April 24, 2020

We, like many of you, are dreaming of the day we are able to once again move about more freely. We intend to stay put as long as necessary, but are being optimistic planning a big international trip for 2022. One half of the team really wants to go to the United Arab Emirates, especially Dubai and Abu Dhabi. We’re really intrigued by the differences in the culture even between cities. For instance, it turns out that the people in Dubai really don’t like the Flintstones, but the people in Abu Dhabi do. 

We have several happy birthday wishes to send out this week! Marilyn P is a long time summer resident who is anxiously awaiting the time she can safely come north to celebrate with her Island friends and family. Happy 29th to you! Also turning 29 is Kristy C who is guaranteed to have a fun and exciting day. Rumour has it her kids passed on the birthday cake and just put some candles in a stack of toilet paper to celebrate her quarantine birthday. And last, but certainly not least we wish many happy returns to Jean W who is 29 years young this Saturday! We contacted noted meteorologist Jamie Ward for a birthday forecast. He predicts it will be, “generally sunny with scattered cards and presents; extremely high chance of cake and candles with occasional patches of feeling really old. Yo.”

A reminder that the falls and river trail, the playground at the main beach and the dog park are all closed. In addition, the town has essentially banned smelt fishing along the Kagawong River this year. Please be aware that the OPP, who usually patrol the area during smelt season anyway, will be out and enforcing the 2 meter distance and maximum gathering size requirements put in place by the province. 

Have you seen Billings’ new logo? We were a bit disappointed that our suggestion of a Sandhill Crane with aromatherapy beads around its neck, clutching a chocolate cupcake in one claw and a small cedar chair in the other, while flying over a stack of vintage candy and Kenyan jewelry, with the Falls in the background was overlooked, but overall we’re happy with the new graphic. 

The library building may be closed, but you can still access books for free online! Contact the librarian (billingslibrary@vianet.ca)  to get your patron number and you can log in to the OverDrive app and download books to your heart’s content. 

The library is also looking for new board members. Contact the library or new chairperson Willa Wilson if you are interested. Duties of a board member are very light, especially these days!

The Kagawong landfill is operating on reduced hours: Thursdays and Sundays from 2-4pm. Be patient and have a kind word for our hard working township employees!

If you know of someone in the community who may need assistance, OR, if you are interested in volunteering to help, please call or email the township office (705-282-2611; mbonenfant@billingstwp.ca). 

Since no one seems to be getting out very much, and all social outings are cancelled, we are hoping someone will finally have the time to start giving us some real news! If you have anything you’d like us to share (birthdays, anniversaries, milestones, what you had for supper, etc.) please let us know by writing to us at kagawong@live.ca. 

Physical distancing update: today we melted an ice cube with our mind just by staring at it. It took a lot longer than we thought it would. Have a great week!

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