Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Friday, April 10, 2020

April 10, 2020

We are doing our part to maintain physical distance from others to flatten the curve, but we are still reaching out to friends and family through phone calls and virtual meetings. A bunch of us all got online together one night and it was fun! It got a bit chaotic though: while Stew was busy showing us a recipe for a hearty meal, Jim was bragging about his new workout regime, and Josh kept teasing Phil who is pulling double shifts at the gas station. Bill was worried about making his payments on time, but Frank told him straight up that you can only do the best you can do. A couple friends were only on for a portion of the video call - Warren’s rabbits kept distracting him and John spent most of the visit in the bathroom. All in all though, it was wonderful to visit with everyone.

A belated happy birthday goes out to Sharon A, who celebrated her 29th birthday surrounded by her friends and family (virtually, of course!). And a very belated happy birthday also goes out to former Kagawongian Micki B. Jill F sent us a special message for her: “Best wishes to a great friend and a reminder that no matter where in the world we go, you will always be 3 months older than I am!” Such a lovely sentiment. 

A reminder that the falls and river trail, the playground at the main beach and the dog park are all closed. We know it is a temptation to ignore the signage and barriers in place, but it is in the best interest of you and everyone else to put off touring for another week or so. The less we go out now, the sooner we can get out again! 

Another controversial, but necessary, step the town has taken is to essentially ban smelt fishing along the Kagawong River this year. In previous years smelters have lined up almost on top of each other for a chance to dip in the river, and it’s just not safe to allow that at this time. Please be aware that the OPP, who usually patrol the area during smelt season anyway, will be out and enforcing the 2 meter distance and maximum gathering size requirements put in place by the province. 

The Kagawong landfill is operating on reduced hours: Thursdays and Sundays from 2-4pm. Be patient and have a kind word for our hard working township employees!

For updates from the township, be sure to visit billingstwp.ca or call the municipal office at 705-282-2611. You could also check their official Facebook page (facebook.com/billingstownshipkagawong). 

The municipal office is open, but access is restricted. Council meetings will be conducted via virtual conference call. Members of the public are welcome to observe, but there is no direct participation. Contact Megan (mbonenfant@billingstwp.ca) to learn how to take part. 


 If you know of someone in the community who may need assistance, OR, if you are interested in volunteering to help, please call or email the township office (705-282-2611; mbonenfant@billingstwp.ca). 

Last year a bevy of dedicated volunteers planted and tended the various flower boxes around town. Unfortunately, that won’t be happening this year, but we want to let them know we appreciate their efforts and look forward to what they will bring out next year!

Since it’s Easter weekend, Team Fergmeijer has been bombarded with questions about the season. Mostly from each other, but still. For instance, when rabbits take pictures together, do they try to give each other people ears?

However you are celebrating this weekend, be well, and have a good week!

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