Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Friday, September 2, 2016

September 2, 2016

Welcome to another long weekend - sadly, the last of the summer. It’s an exciting time of year for both students and teachers, though. Be on the lookout for school buses as everyone settles back into routine.

Come, sit, stay and play at Bark in the Park, celebrating the dog park’s 5th birthday next Saturday (Sept. 10th). Visit with other dog owners, play games, and take home a goodie bag! Check out www.Facebook.com/Kagawong1 for more information.

The heartiest of happy birthdays goes out to Linda F who has joined Kagawong’s 29 club. A rather large crowd of well-wishers descended on Main Street Cafe on Saturday morning to help her celebrate, and set a new record for number of breakfast sandwiches ordered before 10am. Local sous-chef Jamie Ward, who happens to be also celebrating his 29th birthday this coming week, commented, “Age is just a number, yo.” If you see Susan S. while you are out and about today, be sure to wish her a happy birthday, too. Three guesses how old she will be turning. That’s right - 29!  What a vibrant community of young whipper-snappers we have!

After a summer of ice cream cones, poutine, birthday cake, and slushies, get ready to dust off your boogie shoes - Zumba starts up again September 22 (and most Thursdays thereafter) at 7pm at the Park Centre. Everyone is welcome, and no experience (or coordination) is required - much to Team Fergmeijer’s relief.

Close out the summer with a movie at the library! Tomorrow’s movie will be Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles starting on the big screen at 7pm. Check out http://www.facebook.com/kaglibrary for more details.
The library would like to thank Emily for all her hard work this summer. Her last day is today, and we wish her the best of luck as she heads back to school. Without Emily, the library will be returning to their usual Fall and Winter hours (Tuesday & Thursday 4-7pm; Saturday 10am-1pm) starting tomorrow.

As summer winds down, Team Fergmeijer has been contemplating life, the universe and everything, pondering the really important questions and making some significant realizations. Here are some ‘Deep Thoughts” by Team Fergmeijer:
If the left side of your brain controls the right side of your body, then are only left-handed people in their right mind?
If two people on opposite sides of the world each drop a piece of bread, for that one moment does the Earth becomes a sandwich?
Before you criticize someone you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them you are a mile away and have their shoes.
(It’s probably a good thing summer is ending and we’ll have a bit less time on our hands.)

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