Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Friday, July 29, 2016

July 29, 2016

Kagawong has recently become home to Squirtle, Jigglypuff and Pikachu, but most of us are still drawn most to the great beaches, incredible waterfall, and beautiful river paths. Come on out and enjoy summer in the village!

Bluecoats Danelle and Kaitlyn from Science North brought some serious science to the market pavilion last Friday, with dozens of activities for kids of all ages. From the toppling towers, and building a dinosaur, to shocking your friends, and checking out different types of animal skulls, everyone attending had a great time and came away just a little bit smarter. Special thanks to the Billings Library for organizing the event!

Speaking of... the Billings Library has a new entranceway! It’s now easier than ever to visit your friendly neighbourhood librarian and check out some summer reading, or listening (they have audio books!), or watching (they have DVDs!). Even with the construction the library is officially open for business 5 days a week, Tuesday to Saturday, from 9am to 12noon and 1pm to 5pm throughout July and August.

The Park Centre was transformed on Saturday into an enchanted mystical fair with vendors from far and wide. It was a wonderful day for all participants.

The summer fun continues with Farmers’ Markets every Wednesday starting at 10am at the pavilion in Kagawong. Check out goods from local farmers, artists and crafts-people. There are some amazing vendors there every week, but get there early to get the best stuff.

Lots of birthdays to mention this week! Meredith Noble turned 29 this week, as does Beth Gordon just today! Another Kagawong fixture celebrated last week: Mike Coomes, otherwise known as MBB (Mary Buie's Brother) did NOT turn 29, he turned 70! His son and family snuck into town from England in order to surprise MBB, along with most of Kagawong, at a party on Saturday. It was just as loud, silly and entertaining as one might expect.

4elements Living Arts and Manitoulin Streams’ River School continues to deliver fun summer programs to both children and adults along the Kagawong River. Check them out on Facebook or visit them at 91 Main Street to find out more details.

The next big events in town include History Day on August 11th, presented by the Heritage Centre, and the community potluck on August 3rd. Stay tuned for more details!

Kagawong welcomed back author Stephanie Malo and family this past week as they explored the Island and visited friends. Stephanie’s book “Stopping to Smell the Flowers” can be found at the library.

Our best wishes go out to Ruth as she navigates single handedly for the next few weeks. Get well soon!

Team Fergmeijer would like to apologize for misspelling HawgEaters last week. They say we learn from our mistakes, which is why we’re trying to make as many as possible. Soon we’ll be geniuses! Have a great week!

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