Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Friday, July 22, 2016

July 22, 2016

Despite several attempts on Monday, the OPP helicopter was unable to find an appropriate landing area at Riverside or HogEaters to drop in for a quick bite. Council can likely expect a petition for the installation of a helipad in the coming days.

What is the best day to go to the beach? SUNday! Unless you’re in Kagawong, and then ANY day is the perfect day to stroll the village and spend some time by the water. The summer fun continues with Farmers’ Markets every Wednesday at the pavilion in Kagawong. Check out goods from local farmers, artists and crafts-people. There are some amazing vendors there every week, but it’s a good idea to get there early to get the best stuff.

Summerfest was a resounding success last weekend with an impressive number of people playing, socializing, shopping, and just enjoying our village. The Flat Head Fords concert was definitely a highlight of the day drawing crowds on land and water to enjoy the music and to shake a leg! The Recreation Committee did a wonderful job planning and organizing the entire event.  A big thank you goes out to them, as well as to the many volunteers who put in their time on the day to make it all happen.

If you haven’t heard, Kagawong has a new theme song! Check out the Kagawgong Facebook page to hear it. Local songwriter Jamie Ward says, “I wrote it, yo!”

It’s a busy week for birthdays! Best wishes go to Ardiss Fenske as she celebrates 29 years, and Jen Cichon who (conveniently enough) is also turning 29 this week. Willa Wilson also turns 29 this coming Monday! ...or is it Tuesday? We can never keep track. Many happy returns! There are also a plethora of Ferguson-related birthdays to celebrate: Craig, Jen, and Emma all turn the big 29 this week (next week in Emma’s case but she'll be on the road and out of reach of a copy of The Recorder so this week it is!).

4elements Living Arts and Manitoulin Streams’ River School continues to deliver fun summer programs to both children and adults along the Kagawong River. Check them out on Facebook or visit them at 91 Main Street to find out more details.

Stand back, we're going to science the heck out of this place! Today (Friday, July 22nd) bring the kids out to the Park Centre to play and learn alongside the Bluecoats from Science North. There are interactive science experiences from 10:30am until 1:30pm and as well as a live show at 12:30pm that promises to entertain and amaze. For more information contact the library at billingslibrary@vianet.ca

Speaking of the library, have you seen the work being done on the deck and stairs outside? Very exciting stuff, though no deck and no stairs made getting in to work on Monday a bit of a problem. Contractor Rob said he could probably get the librarian hoisted up and in the door, but she wisely decided not to attempt it. Despite the construction the library is officially open for business 5 days a week, Tuesday to Saturday, from 9am to 12noon and 1pm to 5pm throughout July and August.

As always, the Kagawong Canine Social Club meets on Sundays at 1pm. The park is open 24/7 for the enjoyment of pups and people.

Team Fergmeijer was at the library this week. We asked the librarian where we could find books on paranoia. She said, “behind you!”

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