Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

June 19, 2024

For anyone who has not spent time in Billings during the spring and summer months, we would like to give you an idea of just how many things are happening around here. This place is busier than: an anteater at a picnic; a one-toothed man in a corn-on-the-cob eating contest; a termite in a sawmill; a cat at a laser show; a centipede in a toe counting contest; the beard of an auctioneer; a mosquito at a nudist camp. Yep, never a dull moment around here! 

Tennis, anyone? The Manitoulin Tennis Club is back to meeting Sunday mornings at 10am at the Manitoulin Secondary School courts. Players of all abilities are welcome, with lessons available in the near future.

Happy birthday to a slew of off-Islanders who (we assume) wish they could be full-time Kagawongians.  Dan & Jess I, Stephanie M, Abby N are all celebrating what we think are their 29th birthdays. As they aren’t Islanders, we can’t be sure, but have decided to give them the benefit of the doubt. 

Mark your calendars and start your engines! Things are picking up in Kagawong for the summer and there’s no shortage of goings-on over the next few weeks. Buckle up and get your summer on!

First up - this Saturday! Come on out for a delightful evening of music, hosted by the Island Singers and the Manitoulin Community Choir on June 22nd at 7pm. Manitoulin choirs and musicians will be performing at Manitoulin Secondary School for a pay-what-you-wish donation with all proceeds going to Manitoulin Family Resources. It will be great music for a great cause!

Next, Wednesday, June 26th is the first of the weekly Kagawong summer markets. Be sure to stop in for some great finds and support local artisans and bakers. The next day, join Manitoulin Streams at the Billings Park Centre on June 27th for the next Youth Rangers event: Salamanders of Manitoulin! Register students in grades 1-8 ($5 per child) by emailing getinvolved.manitoulinstreams@gmail.com

Close on the heels of the market is the annual Anglican church yard sale and bbq on the following Saturday (June 29th) from 10-2pm at the pavilion. You are sure to find something (perhaps several somethings) you didn’t know you can’t live without! 

During the first weekend of July, come and spin a yarn with the Jabbawong Storytelling Festival, July 5th and 6th. Check out their Facebook page for more details.

No sitting on your summer laurels, the very next Saturday (July 13th), join classic car enthusiasts for the Kagawong Show and Shine car show! The cars will be at Dig and Doug’s Cedar Furniture on Main Street from 10am - 3pm. There will be lots of great vehicles on display for all to admire. Then, it’s time to hit the beach that evening for the library’s annual open air movie night! They are taking suggestions for movie options - email billingsreads@gmail.com to give your suggestion of a title for a community movie night by the water. Past movies have included Jaws, The Meg, Mama Mia! and The Princess Bride. 

Be sure to sneak in some rest, and drink lots of water because things REALLY take off the weekend of July 20th! The Billings Library is hosting their annual book sale and a local author showcase on Saturday (11-3pm), and the Manitoulin Art Tour will spotlight a number of Billings artists in the region over the course of the entire weekend. 

And don’t forget about the island-wide Household Hazardous Waste Day, also on July 20th! Not as summer-y, we know. But an important part of helping the environment by keeping hazardous things out of our community landfill. Save up your batteries, old electronics, paints, and chemicals - residents of Billings can drop off items at the Mindemoya Roads Building that Saturday from 1pm-4pm.

There’s even more going on in August, but at the risk of rivaling the length of the Providence Bay column, we’ll save those details for a future paper. Never let it be said there’s nothing to do in Billings. Stay tuned!

We know it's a long shot but does anyone know what a trebuchet is? Have a great week!

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