Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

May 29, 2024

We’ll, we’ll, we’ll… if it isn’t autocorrect.To be honest, autocorrect, we are getting real tired of your shirt. We really hate when you make us say thongs we didn’t nintendo. We try to be really careful when writing this column, because one small mistake and a joke’s lunchline is urined. To make things worse, autocorrect is now suggesting swear words - which means we have to be really careful when talking to our Manitoulin mom about ducks. 

As always, Billings is a hotbed of gossip and goings on. The hottest bit of tea the township spilled recently is that BIllings is getting a new tractor! Not to mention that the Manitoulin Ukulele Group - of which many Kagawong strummers are a part - has recruited a couple of new forks, uh that is, folks. We can’t wait to hear them!

Flying a kite might have its ups and downs, but the free family kite festival on June 2nd is going to be fantastic! The event runs from 1 PM to 4 PM in Gore Bay and is hosted by the Western Manitoulin Community Garden. With balloon animals, rock painting, and a free bbq lunch (courtesy of the Gore Bay Lions Club), there is something for everyone!

David H, Wren C, and Morgan E are all celebrating their 29th birthdays this week and we want to wish them the happiest of happy birthdays. In fact, we tried to arrange Jimmy the Singing Pony as a surprise for you all, but they had to cancel due to illness. Jimmy was a little horse. 

Have you a dinking problem? Kagawong has newly-painted pickleball courts in the outdoor rink! Check out the Kagawong Outdoor Recreational Facility page on Facebook for more information.

Don’t forget that the Old Mill Heritage Centre is now open for the season. The popular vintage camera and photographic exhibition has been brought back from last year, and there is also a new exhibit featuring local representatives who have gone on to have storied political careers. Be sure to stop in!

With all this sunny weather, things are definitely heating up! Kagawong is becoming quite the hot spot as well. Check out all the activities going on in Billings over the coming months: Team Aelick are gearing up for their Stroll for Liver in early June. Stroll on over yourself to https://bit.ly/strollforliver to donate to this worthy cause. The Jabbawong Storytelling Festival is July 5th and 6th. The library book sale and local author showcase will be held July 20th, and the Manitoulin Art Tour is on that same weekend. And don’t forget about Kagawong’s huge market on Wednesdays throughout the summer! If you have (or know of) any other events and activities, let us know so we can let everyone else know! Email us at fergmeijer@gmail.com

Tennis, anyone? The Manitoulin Tennis Club is back to meeting Sunday mornings at 10am at the Manitoulin Secondary School courts. Players of all abilities are welcome, with lessons available in the near future.

With the new tractor, the public works guys will be able to really plow through their to-do list this summer. Have a great week!

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