Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

February 28, 2024

Team Fergmeijer wasn’t initially going to celebrate Leap Day, but eventually we decided to jump on the bandwagon. Did you know a person born on February 29th is called a ‘leapling’? If this is you and you need ideas about where to celebrate your birthday, may we suggest IHOP? We were wondering, instead of an extra day every four years, could we just sleep in for an hour every day for 6 days out of the year? Will Office 365 work on a leap year? If you get married on February 29th, do you only have to remember your anniversary every four years? 

The next Manitoulin Streams Youth Rangers event is just around the corner! Youth in grades 1-8 are invited to join Manitoulin Streams on Wednesday, March 13 from 11am - 2pm at the Park Centre in Kagawong, making it a perfect mid-March-Break activity. Participants will do some maple tree tapping, and enjoy a pizza lunch. Cost is $10 per child, with limited space available. Contact getinvolved.manitoulinstreams@gmail.com for more information or to register.

Town council approved a new Municipal Owned Water System Ad-Hoc Committee. The town will be issuing a call for members on their website soon (billingstwp.ca). 

The community rink is closed at the time of writing due to the mild weather. Follow the township Facebook page for the most up-to-date information as conditions can change pretty quickly.

It’s true! One half of Team Fergmeijer heard a Canada Goose honk its way across the sky just last week. Given the unseasonably warm winter, it is possible we might see the iconic Sandhill Cranes arriving early this year. Will YOU be the first to hear the majestic coo of the cranes? Email any sightings to fergmeijer@gmail.com to participate in our annual Sandhill Crane challenge!

The final submission in our short contest of Short Poems for a Short Month is the shortest of short poems - a simple rhyming couplet:

In leap year's span, an extra day we earn,

A fleeting gift, for time's swift turn.

Do you know what the best part of a leap year is? You don’t have to endure our leap-themed puns again for another 4 years. Have a great week!

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