Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

May 25, 2022

Did you know that many moons ago, there was a bar right in the middle of downtown Kagawong? One half of Team Fergmeijer used to live nearby; it was just a five-minute walk from her house to the bar. However, it was a 35-minute walk from the bar to her house. The difference was staggering.

Speaking of the history of our fair township, the library and museum both have copies of the newly printed How It All Began books detailing the history of European settlement in Billings Township! Books are $30 each with the funds raised being split between the two organizations. 


Tennis season is off to a great start with the Manitoulin Tennis Club! Participants played in round-robin doubles at the Blackfly Tournament last Saturday and shook off the rust of a long winter. Regular weekly sessions begin this coming Sunday, May 29, at 10am at the Manitoulin Secondary School courts, and continue through the summer. Beginners and seasoned players welcome!


What do you get when you cross a cow with an octopus? A visit from the ethics committee and immediate withdrawal of your funding.


Thanks to some raining evenings last week, the burn ban was lifted over the weekend. Keep up with the burn status by following the township Facebook page (facebook.com/billingstownshipkagawong)


It’s spring cleaning season! If you have clothing, household goods, or other items that you’d like to see out of your house, consider joining the community garage and trunk sale on Saturday May 28th. It is a collaborative event courtesy of Sugar Bush Coffeehouse, Bare Naked Beauty, Cultural Seeds, and Manitoulin Climate Collaborative. Email kim.neale0@gmail.com for more information.


This section is directed to the farmers in the crowd. Because we have questions. Do cows not wear flipflops because they lactose? Is a cow that just had a baby decaffeinated? If a cow has a sense of humour does that make them a laughing stock? Did you find any of these jokes funny or had you already herd them all?


The Late Bloomers ‘adopt’ one or two flower boxes around the community, planting their individual choice of flowers. The result is a beautiful collection of plantings for all to enjoy! If you would like to join them and adopt a planter, email jferguson@manitoulin.net for more information.


Do you know a citizen of Billings that goes above and beyond and deserves special recognition? Nominate them for Billings’ Citizen of the Year! There are two categories - under 18 years old and over 18 years old. Submit your nominations to tmills@billingstwp.ca by June 1st. 


Happy Birthday wishes go out to Casey R, who celebrates her big day this week. We wanted to offer you a birthday toast, but turns out we don’t have any bread. 


With all this election excitement, don’t forget that this fall we’ll be having a municipal election. Anyone interested in being a candidate for councillor or mayor in the upcoming municipal elections can register at the township office between now and August 19th. Check out the Vote Billings blog (https://votebillings.blogspot.com/) to learn more about what is involved in being on council or some helpful information on running a campaign. 

Last night we thought we would try some alligator for dinner, but couldn’t in the end because all we had was a crockpot. Have a great week!

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