Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

February 2, 2022

We’ve been catching up on some of our favourite British baking shows this week. We get pretty passionate about the competition, shouting at the tv things like: “You fool! You can’t dip the walnut whirl in the tempered chocolate, you have to drizzle over the top to achieve the characteristic wobble of the coffee ganache, Parisian cafe-style!” You would never guess we once forgot to put the apples in the apple pie we were baking.

Harkening back to grade seven, here is a Diamante entry for our Short Poems for a Short Month challenge!


Welcoming, unique  

Skating, mazing, marketing

Waterfalls, confectionaries, turkeys, trails

Swimming, boating, exploring

Beautiful, exceptional


Got a poem? Submit it to Kagawong@live.ca  or as a message on the Kagawong Facebook page (www.facebook.com/Kagawong1).

We also received a submission from the ever-creative Ed Burt:

We cut the cedar logs in winter

About a hundred years ago

And we split the logs to make the snake rail fence.

There were slivers fastened to the wood

That rattled in the wind.

They moaned and whistled and cried

And they screamed and spluttered

As the wind got more intense.

They had no rhyme or rhythm,

They had no tone or beat.

It's just a piece of reed-like wood

That's blowing in the fence.

When it's election year in Canada,

All the candidates are out,

And they're meeting in town houses 'cross the land.

They tell us of the promises

And what they'll do for us.

But when we think it over,

It doesn't make much sense.

It doesn't seem much different

Than the sliver on the fence.

Do you, or someone you know, have a birthday coming up? Let us know, so we can recognize the big day with appropriate solemnity, dignity, and gravity. Just kidding. We’ll make a joke of it (with love), the same as we do with everyone!


The township office remains closed to the public with the staff working remotely. Council and committee meetings continue to be online. To watch live, drop the office an message (tmills@billingstwp.ca) to receive the Zoom invites. Agendas and minutes for the various township committee meetings can be found on the township website: http://billingstwp.ca 


The Kagawong Fitness Centre also remains closed for the foreseeable future, but the landfill remains open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 pm to 6pm and Sundays from 10 am to 4 pm. And last but not least, the library is open its regular hours (Tues. & Thurs. 4-7; Sat. 10-1).

The rink at the Park Centre rink is up and running! Thanks to all the volunteers who are working hard to keep it cleared and flooded. Regular updates can be found on the rink fundraising Facebook group (www.facebook.com/groups/kagawongrinkfundraiser). It was a busy place last weekend and we expect it to continue to be a very popular place all winter.

Why stick with a snowman when you can create a spectacular snow sculpture?? The Municipalities of Manitoulin are jointly sponsoring an Island-wide Snow Sculpture Challenge, open to all residents of Manitoulin Island, between now and February 22. Email a photo of your creation to info@assiginack.ca by 12 noon on Tuesday, February 22 for a chance to win a prize!

Remember, if you lose a sock in the dryer, it comes back as a tupperware lid that doesn't fit any of your containers. Have a great week!

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