Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

October 20, 2021

Team Fergmeijer passed two seasonal Kagawongians who broke down on their way to the ferry last weekend. They said their ‘check engine’ light came on, but when they got out and popped the hood, it was right where it was supposed to be. When we stopped to see why they were stopped on the side of the road, they said that they could really use a lift. We were happy to do what we could, so we complimented them on their hair and outfits and drove off. We were happy to hear that they sorted things out and managed to get home to their family. It could have been much worse; if there’s one thing we know about broken down vehicles, it takes one to no one. 

Where do ghosts buy their food? At the ghost-ery store! But on Halloween night, all little ghouls and goblins can get some treats for free starting at 5pm at the Kagawong Pavilion - stop on by! Brought to you by the Parks, Recreation and Wellness Committee. 

There is a planned power outage this Saturday from 8am - 5pm for pretty much the whole island. We know it’s not ideal (or even shocking) for a lot of people, but when it comes to this sort of thing, resistance is futile.

Happy birthday to long-distance honorary Kagawongian Joanne T, and Kagawongian-in-law Ken F, who both turned 29 this week. In honour of the momentous occasion, we have a birthday riddle: what has wings, a colourful tail and wears a bow? A birthday pheasant!


The Anglican Church is holding a Christmas Fair on Saturday, November 20th from 9am-2pm. There will be baked goods, crafts, and gift baskets up for grabs. They will also have a ‘take home’ fundraising dinner with homemade meat pies, lasagna and pierogies. All funds raised go towards replacing the church roof. COVID-19 protocols will be in place. 

Looking to leave your mark on the township? The Township of Billings invites professional artists and illustrators with a connection to Billings to submit proposals and quotations for a re-design of the current flywheel face situated at the Old Mill Heritage Centre/Municipal Office Building Parking Lot. Proposals will be selected until November 26th, 2021 at noon. Check out https://billingstwp.ca/administration/requests-for-proposals/ for more information.

Looking to get involved in the community? There are currently vacancies on the Parks, Recreation and Wellness Committee, as well as the Economic Development Committee. If you are interested in joining one of these committees, visit the township website (http://billingstwp.ca) for information and application forms.

The province has rolled out its new enhanced vaccine certificates that include a scannable QR code that protects your personal information. If you need your proof of vaccination or QR code printed, visit http://covid19.ontariohealth.ca to access your vaccination receipts. If you need help, stop in at the township office or library during their regular hours and someone will be happy to help you. 

Although the high double-digit temperatures might make you think differently, it is swiftly getting to be that festive time of year again: Community Christmas Concert time! With COVID concerns still uppermost in mind, organizers have decided to stick to the online format they used last year. It was such a fun night, that Team Fergmeijer can’t wait to experience it all over again this year! Stay tuned for dates and times, and start thinking about what song, joke, skit, or dance you might be willing to contribute! Email Kagawong@live.ca for more information or if you are interested in performing. 

Did you hear about the baker who became really successful after adding leaves to his bread recipe? He raked in the dough! Have a great week!

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