Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Friday, December 11, 2020

December 11, 2020

Most weeks, Team Fergmeijer approaches the column with some sort of idea or theme in mind. This week we are drawing a bit of a blank, so we decided to dig up the funniest bits of random silliness we have accumulated over the years. This makes it sound like we put lots of planning and fore-thought into each column, and much like our secret identities, we have no plans of revealing the actual truth of our organizational skills. 

Santa made an early stop in the village last weekend to (socially distant) visit with the locals. Everyone was so excited to see him and make sure he knew where to find them on the big night. Thanks Santa!

Team Fergmeijer joined an online astronomy club recently. At the last meeting some members got into a heated discussion about infinity; we thought it would never end. 

For the second time this year, The Recorder delivery has been delayed due to a glitch at the Sudbury loading docks. We’re sure it wasn’t the postal workers laughing so hard at the Team Fergmeijer column that they fell over and weren’t able to complete the loading. Pretty sure.   

Following in the footsteps of Team Fergmeijer’s regular reporting on the Kagawong goings-on, the Township of Billings is now publishing monthly newsletters! Head to the township website (billingstwp.ca) and click on “Administration” in the top menu bar to check it out! 

The person who invented the term insomnia missed a golden opportunity to call it resisting a rest. 

Tomorrow (Saturday) is the last day to get to the library to submit your guess to win the gorgeous Dig and Doug bird feeder. The winner will be the person who calculates closest to the actual number of candies in the jar (the person who guesses the second closest gets the candy). Tickets ($2 each or 3 for $5) are available at the library until 1pm on Saturday December 12th. 

Muffins spelled backwards is what we do when we take them out of the oven. 

Happy birthday goes out to Hailey F (one of our superfans, because she isn’t allowed NOT to be a fan). She’s not quite 29 in years yet, but she’s pretty close in terms of attitude and sass. 

If you walk backwards into the wind, is it a tailwind or a headwind?

On Saturday December 19th, the annual Kagawong Christmas concert is moving out of the Park Centre and onto the Internets! Hosts Mike and Jill will stream the concert, presenting pre-recorded acts (new, and possibly some classics, too), so that Kagawongians near and far will be able to watch (and join in)! Want to participate? Create a video and contact kagawong@live.ca and we will arrange to add it to our playlist. Tomorrow (Saturday, December 12) is the last day to submit a video! Not sure how to create a video? Email and the organizers will help make it happen! As always, we like to pay it forward, so cash donations can be made to Manitoulin Family Resources in lieu of our usual non-perishable collection (www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/9789). The Zoom link and login information will be posted to the Kagawong Facebook page and in this column next week. 

We finally did it. We got a horse! His name is Mayo and sometimes Mayo neighs. 

Even though the Christmas holidays are still a few weeks away, it’s never too early to start planning township outings! Don’t forget that the landfill will be closed Thursday, December 24th, and Thursday, December 31st; the library will be closed Thursday the 24th, Saturday the 26th, and Thursday the 31st; the town office will be closed from Thursday, December 24th until Friday, January 3rd, 2021. 

Last night, one half of Team Fergmeijer accidentally superglued her thumb and forefinger together. But don’t worry - it will be ok. Have a great week!

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