Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Friday, March 13, 2020

March 13, 2020

It’s a busy week: Friday the 13th, the Ides of March, St. Patrick’s Day, March O’Break, Pi Day… and on top of it all, don’t forget to wash your hands! But don’t overdo the celebration. Remember that you can increase your circumference by eating too much pi. If your weight gets a bit away from you, not to worry. You can always start on that new Ket O’Genic diet. 

It’s daylight saving time! Remember to change the batteries in your smoke alarms, and to change your wine from red to white. As for the clock in your car… if you’re like Team O’Fergmeijer you’ll just wait until November when it will be the right time again.

Save the date! Saturday, April 25th from 10am to 4pm is the first Celebrating Women O’Business vendors’ market in Kagawong. Stay tuned for more details!

Nifty nifty, look who’s fifty! Manitoulin O’Secondary School is celebrating its 50th anniversary! Mark August 28-29 on your calendars and be sure to attend the anniversary celebrations and the grand re-opening of the high school, featuring renovations and enhancements to the building. Follow Manitoulin Secondary School Alumni on Facebook for more information (and the occasional blast from the past!).

The first meeting of the newly-established O’Kagawong Time Traveller’s Club will be last Thursday at 11pm. Don’t be late!

Celebrations galore have likely been happening in the O’Maranger /O’Middleton household on the anniversary of the one and only O’Poppy’s arrival in our fair village. We wouldn’t know for sure, because we weren’t invited to any of the parties. We’re just assuming. It’s one of the biggest challenges with having a secret identity like Team O’Fergmeijer - not getting invited to parties since our real identities are so well-disguised... 

Another Kagawongian celebrating a birthday soon is Sharon O’Jackson. While you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never point the wrong way.

People aren’t the only ones to get cabin fever this time of year - so does your dog. The good news is that we have a cure for that! Come out to the off-leash dog park with your four-legged friend for exercise and social time for humans and puppers. Just remember, making snow angels at the dog park is not a good idea. Neither is taking a dog named O’Shark to the beach… but that’s an issue for another day.

Did you know? 3.14% of sailors are pi rates.

The next O’Euchre tournament is Wednesday, March 18th at 7:30 pm at the O’Park Centre. Cost is $5.00 per person, and includes light refreshments and prizes. Everyone is welcome! Brought to you by volunteer members of our community and Parks, Recreation and Wellness Committee. Subsequent tournaments are every third Wednesday of the month.

We hit up local Irish poet, Jamie O’Ward for some words of wisdom from the Emerald Isle: “Be careful with your words this time of year. Remember, puns on St. Patrick’s day don’t just shame you; they Seamus all, yo!” Have a great week!

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