Welcome to the archive of Team Fergmeijer's Kagawong news column in The Manitoulin West Recorder and The Manitoulin Expositor.

Friday, July 12, 2019

July 12, 2019

Breaking news! The first Paikin sighting of the year was made by a (slightly hysterical) fan outside the Sugar Bush Canadian Coffee Company. Said fan nearly fell into a fit of the vapours upon realizing who was walking towards them across the parking lot. We felt their reaction was a bit over the top. Team Fergmeijer considers themselves to be big Steve Paikin fans, but we would never *cough cough* act so juvenile *ahem* and star struck… yeah, we don’t believe us either. We totally fangirl all over the place when our paths cross with Mr. Paikin. Welcome back to Kagawong, sir!

St. John’s Anglican Church would like to thank all the volunteers who helped out with the sale, and all the shoppers who came out to find that special treasure on Saturday. The sale was a spectacular success! 

This year’s annual book and bake sale was a huge success! If you ignore the brawl over the last double chocolate brownies at the baking table. And the shouting match that began as a friendly discussion over whether or not Hermione and Harry should have gotten together. Don’t even get us started on the hair pulling that broke out after one browser was overheard to say, ‘The movie was so much better than the book.” To be fair, we write this column early in the week, so we have no idea what happened. We assume that the efforts of all the volunteers, including the amazing Friends of Billings Library (aka FOBL), have paid off in spades. Thanks to all who came out in support of the library!

The summer fun continues next weekend with another beach movie, sponsored by the Billings Public Library! Friday, July 19th, brave the waters of Mudge Bay at the main beach (or stay high and dry with us chickens, well away from the shore) while watching The Meg on the library’s giant outdoor screen. Start time is 9pm. Come early to stock up on snacks from the concession stand. 

Summerfest continues on Saturday, July 20th with more fun than you can shake a paddle at! Beginning at 10am, come check out a special vendors’ market, village scavenger hunt, Artists on Main, face painting, BBQ lunch (sponsored by the Old Mill Heritage Centre), pop-up info booths, a kids-decorated bike parade, volunteer firefighters’ demo & boot drive, a funky hat contest, a family-friendly obstacle course, the Cooking with Bella dance-off… and more! Come on out and celebrate our amazing community spirit. Brought to you by members of the Economic Development Committee, and the Parks, Recreation, and Wellness Committee.

One person’s junk is another person’s treasure! Do you have gently used clothing, books, household appliances or furniture you are looking to get rid of? During the Saturday of Summerfest (10am-3pm), bring your junk to sell, swap or give away! Park your vehicle, open the trunk or hatch, and you’re good to go! Watch for the signs along Old Mill Road. 

As usual, the Sunday following Summerfest (Sunday, July 21) is the annual Blessing of the Boats marine service at St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church. Service begins at 9am. Everyone welcome.

Please note that because the current water demand is overtaxing the municipal water system, the township has issued the following public notice regarding exterior water usage: Residents may use municipal water for exterior purposes (watering lawns and gardens, washing vehicles, etc.) only on alternating days. Those with even numbered residences on even numbered days, and odd numbered residences on odd numbered days. Exterior water usage may occur between 5am and 8am, and 6pm and midnight only. 

The township called for nominations for senior of the year, and the public has spoken! Mary Buie is Billings Township Senior of the Year for 2019! The announcement was made last Friday by His Excellency, Mayor Anderson, in full mayoral regalia (the township staff keep refusing to get him a chain of office, so he had to improvise, but was still terribly impressive). The official ceremony will be held at a later date, to be announced.

Words of wisdom, from a toddler’s perspective, as we continue to enjoy warm weather and long summer days: Scream like no one’s listening; Dance like you’re going to pee your pants; Play like someone else is going to clean up your toys. Have a great week!

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