Team Fergmeijer received a lot of feedback on our tree puns last week. We thought they were pretty oak-ay, but some people thought we needed to spruce up the column, branch out with our humour, and have fewer acorny jokes in order to stay poplar. Coming up with puns can be overw-elm-ing, especially since we don’t want the column to be too sappy, and for a while we were feeling completely stumped.
Luckily for those of you pining for a good pun, yew are in fir a treat! Those of you who aren’t excited by puns, beleaf us when we say, it might be time for you to put down the paper and leaf right now. Let us axe you a question: Can you be arrested for too many bad puns? Would you be charged for tree-son? That would be a real face-palm moment, for sure! We’re going to go out on a limb here, and say we have done a tree-mendous job with the puns this week.
Put on your squeaky clown shoes or your sasquatch slippers and head on down to the Family Hallowe’en Dance put on by the Billing Recreational Committee! There will be pumpkin carving, cookie decorating stations, as well as treats and prizes - you won’t want to miss it! Saturday, October 28, from 7pm - 10pm at the Park Centre. Be sure to bring a canned good donation for the food bank to get yourself in the door.
Congratulations to all the Kagawong Eco-Warriors! Check out the Billings Go Green Committee’s blog ( to see the names of everyone who rose to the reducing waste challenge last week. Thanks to everyone for making Billings a little more green!
Happy Birthday to Rachel B who turned 29 on Wednesday. A very happy birthday also goes out to Meranda N who is NOT turning 29 on Monday.
Starting to get into the Christmas spirit? Kagawong Christmas Craft Fair will be November 17-19 at the Kagawong Park Centre. Stay tuned for more details on activities and hours! And don’t forget the annual Kagawong community Christmas Concert on Saturday, December 9. You won’t want to miss all the amazing singers, comedien(ne)s, musicians who come out to perform. Rumour has it Superman will be back, as will Santa… but only if we’re good!
Note that there is no Tai Chi this coming week (Oct. 31). Practitioners are asked instead to mindfully walk the streets in the costume of your choice.
Last week's Euchre results are in! First place went to Ted Debassige and Dorothy Allard; Mike and Susan Arbour took second place; third was Sheila and Graham Fogel; fourth was Brad Parkinson and Bill Traynor (who generously donated back their winnings). Low score was taken by Candy Tracy and Phyllis Cacciotti. Most loners went to Ted and Dorothy and the door prize went to Charlene Van Horn.
Most weeks we end with a joke or pun, but you may be re-leafed to hear that we’re just going to direct you back to the first two paragraphs. Have a great week!